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Reformation and Development in the Muslim World

The Reformation and Development in the Muslim World book explores the performance of Muslim countries in the political, social, human and economic dimensions. The development of these countries has fallen short compared to non-Muslim countries. The book traces the performance of the countries over time and views the progression on the Islamicity scale. Policy recommendations are provided to improve political, social, human, governance and economic performance. The book is written by Professor Dr Hossein Askari, Hossein Mohammad Khan and Dr Liza Mydin and published by Palgrave Macmillan.

The book is available for purchase at https://www.palgrave.com/de/book/9783319560250

Authors: Hossein Askari, Hossein Mohammad Khan and Liza Mydin
Book price: EUR89.99 (eBook)/EUR117.69 (Hardcover)
ISBN Number: 978-3-319-56025-0