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Contracts and Deals in Islamic Finance

Contracts and Deals in Islamic Finance provides a clear breakdown of Islamic financial contracts and deal structures for beginners. The embedded requirements within selected Islamic financial contracts, such as risk weightage, capital structures, creations of cash flows, and balance sheets, are explained fully to provide a solid understanding of the backbone of the industry. Aimed primarily at beginners and those with a background in conventional banking, this book guides readers through the major contracts, how they’re applied, and how to discern a contract’s legitimacy. Case studies and interviews with bankers and global regulators provide real-life examples of contract application, and the author’s own experiences provide deep insight into the everyday issues that arise. Ancillary instructor’s materials include PowerPoint slides and lecture notes that facilitate use in the classroom.

AUTHOR: Hussein Kureshi, Mohsin Hayat
ISBN: 978-1-119-02056-1

LINK: http://www.islamicfinancenews.com/news/risk-management-islamic-banks